
First Solar Buys Evolar

First Solar has been around for, well, what seems like forever. It was founded in 1999, well before the solar boom took off and solar power became big business. Back then, there were all kinds of claims about how little solar power could ever contribute to the electricity supply. It … [continued]

Image from Volvo Trucks

Swedish Mining Group Boliden Is Getting Electric Trucks From Volvo For Underground Mining Operations

Campus-based operations such as mines are some of the best places for utilizing electric vehicles. The nature of their operations often revolve around regular, repetitive routes at well known times and intervals, making it fairly straightforward when it comes to setting up charging infrastructure onsite and managing fleet charging. It’s … [continued]

Images courtesy of Northvolt

Scania Demonstrates How To Bring Fast Charging To Any Location By Integrating A Northvolt Voltpack…

Northvolt offers high-performance lithium-ion cells based around proprietary Lingonberry NMC chemistry. These are available in both cylindrical and prismatic formats. Northvolt prioritizes manufacturing batteries with clean energy, and has a mission to deliver batteries with an 80% lower carbon footprint compared to those made using coal energy and a target … [continued]