Tesla owners

Tesla Owners Give Back For #ProjectBackpack’s Back To School Drive

It’s that time of year again. The smells, paper, pen ink, and pencil lead, the sounds of books opening and pens and pencils writing — these permeate the senses of many students as they head back to school. Unfortunately, more than 30 million of these children attending schools nationwide are not only enrolled in the free and reduced meal programs but come from families with parents who are struggling financially.

5 Common Electric Car Myths

In the UK, Go Ultra Low is a government-backed effort (in association with automakers) to spread awareness about electric vehicles. Go Ultra Low recently joined forces with OnePoll to publish new research regarding the public’s understanding (or lack thereof) related to plug-in cars. It turns out respondents had a number of common misconceptions about electric cars.

Problems Of Tesla Owners

Originally published on EV Obsession. The life of Tesla owners can really be tough. There are a lot of problems Tesla owners face after getting the car. As an example, a Missouri lady on the Tesla Motors Club forum recently lamented that her husband keeps making fun of her while … [continued]