Bloomberg Declares “Peak ICE” Just As GM Offers Buyouts To Salaried Employees
GM says it is offering buyouts to salaried employees in the US at the same time BNEF is saying sales of ICE cars have peaked.
GM says it is offering buyouts to salaried employees in the US at the same time BNEF is saying sales of ICE cars have peaked.
Now? Or never? A whole range of answers come forth when you ask the question “When is it the right time to buy an electric car?” I recently spoke with a young man who is keen to go electric. He is currently driving an old Honda Accord and it finally … [continued]
When you are watching a transition closely, you can see, hear, and smell the changes as they take place. Those who don’t will wake up one morning and suddenly notice that there are more electric cars on the road, the roads are quieter, and the smell of the air is … [continued]
From Climate Concern To Repeat EV Ownership During my 30 year career in NASA, I was always on the forefront of the latest computers, image processing technology, and HD video movie making. I also learned from our NASA imaging that all the mountain glaciers in the world are receding, that … [continued]
Does increasing the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the grid actually result in lower utility costs for all customers? That is just what a recently revised study found. The study shows that EV users are not receiving subsidies from other customers and that, in fact, they are driving prices … [continued]
Since the official launch of its Dealer Community Charging Program in late 2021, GM has enrolled nearly 1,000 GM dealers in the program, which is almost a quarter of all GM dealers in North America. The first community charging stations have been installed in Wisconsin and Michigan. The initiative was … [continued]
For Part I of this short series, covering the early evolution and adoption of cars, planes, calculator, computers, TVs, the Internet, and more, see “Technological Revolutions: Part I.” Gasmobile vs. Electric Vehicle Technology As a former NASA scientist with an engineering background, I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist … [continued]
The oil price shock of 2022 has driven a great deal of new interest in EVs, which has just served to help answer the question of what happens to EV adoption rates when oil and gas prices fluctuate. It has supercharged EV demand, which is ultimately due to the economics … [continued]
Loren McDonald, CEO of EVAdoption, LLC, gave a talk at RE+ on the opportunities emerging in the EV marketplace, specifically focused on charging. He started by saying that 40% of US households are apartments and condos. In addition, an estimated 10–30% of single-family homes have unparkable garages, as they’ve been … [continued]
How Patterns of Peak, Plateau, and Decline Point to Fossil Fuels’ Accelerating End