Student-Led “End Fossil — Occupy!” Protests Shut Down Schools In Europe
Climate protests organized by End Fossil Occupy are scheduled in many nations around the world in the month of May.
Climate protests organized by End Fossil Occupy are scheduled in many nations around the world in the month of May.
Held vs. Montana is a succinct legal climate challenge, but such climate cases are new and uncertain.
Sunrise El Paso and Ground Game Texas have forced a local referendum on a climate initiative to reduce fossil fuel extraction.
Young climate activists are making a real impression on legislators around the world. Often still in high school, these inspired teens are gaining momentum due to increased fluency in messaging, networking, and lobbying.
Climate activism may be the only thing standing between us and a world that can no longer support human life. Is it for you?
Ukraine, despite some hardcore propaganda to the contrary, is still in need of our support. How that is turning into a political splitting point is truly surprising to me, even after all we’ve been through in the US since 2015 (or 2008). But it shows how effective Putin’s and his … [continued]
There’s news week after week, or day after day, lately regarding Ukrainians not having electricity due to Russia bombing the country’s power infrastructure. To be technical about it, this is terrorism. It is outside the bounds of war. Imagine going into winter without power or heat. If you want to … [continued]
I wrote recently that one thing Ukraine really needs as soon as possible is more solar panels. A reader reached out to let us know how you can go about donating solar panels, and small wind turbines, to Ukraine. The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and the Global 100% Renewable … [continued]
Taking a look back:’s grassroots campaign “keep it in the ground” is a success story – and not yet finished. By taking a step back, sometimes solutions for complex problems seem to be surprisingly easy. If you don’t want carbon in the air, leave the raw materials that produce … [continued]
First, members of the Rockefeller family walked away from the fossil fuels that made them rich, alarmed that burning oil and gas was causing climate change. Now they and Getty heirs are founding climate action organizations, attempting to give back to citizens what fossil fuel capitalism has taken away.