Amazon, AT&T, IKEA, Clif Bar, DHL, & Others Launch “Corporate Electric Vehicle Alliance”

When we think about the need for the world to go electric, we generally think about the need for people — individual humans — to go electric. However, more than half of the vehicles on US roads are vehicles from corporate fleets, according to Ceres, a nonprofit investor coalition representing $11 trillion that is focused on sustainability matters.

Trash Truck Is Next Electric Mercedes

We’ve written about electric garbage trucks since 2012. They make a lot of sense for a handful of reasons: clearly defined routes and range needs, low speed (good for range) but benefit from a lot of torque (electric specialty), a lot of space on the bottom in which to pack batteries, regenerative braking will help a lot. It’s nice to see that Daimler is joining our enthusiasm for this topic, and going approximately 1 million steps further than us by bringing an electric trash truck to market.