Solar Energy

Wind farm, solar farm, hog farm sheds, and rail line. Milford, Utah. Photo by Fritz Hasler

Clean Energy & Pork Production at Milford, Utah

There is a strange confluence of clean energy and pork production near Milford, Utah, 208 miles south of Salt Lake City, and 30 miles west of Beaver. Located there, just north of Milford in Beaver County, is the largest solar farm in Utah. It is the Escalante Solar Project, which … [continued]

Trump or no Trump, a new bidirectional clean energy transmission line is on track for construction to commence this year, connecting wind and solar resources in Idaho, Nevada, and California.

More Bright Green, Clean Energy For Deep Red State

Trump or no Trump, a new bidirectional clean energy transmission line is on track for construction to commence this year, connecting wind and solar resources in Idaho, Nevada, and California.

Solar, Wind, & Batteries Providing Texas with Tens of Billions of Dollars in Tax Revenue

There’s a growing war on renewable energy, particularly in “red” districts and states in the USA. One of the things that is often bewilderingly forgotten by those attacking renewable energy is the enormous tax revenue (and overall economic benefits) solar, wind, and battery storage projects provide. A new report focused … [continued]

New Solar Plants Expected to Support Most U.S. Electric Generation Growth

In our latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we expect that U.S. renewable capacity additions—especially solar—will continue to drive the growth of U.S. power generation over the next two years. We expect U.S. utilities and independent power producers will add 26 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity to the U.S. electric power sector in … [continued]