
The pleasing green glow when I arrive at an established Electrify America charging station right off the freeway.

Peak EV Fast Charging Is Up 50%, And So Are EV Fast Chargers

Naturally, electric vehicle sales have gone up this year, as we’ve reported, and there are certainly a lot more electric vehicles on the road than there were a year ago. Sales numbers are just sales numbers, though. Is there evidence of a lot more electric vehicle charging? Yes, there is! … [continued]

Thank You

Thanksgiving — and the United States as a whole — has a … complicated history. It’s not as rosy, positive, and admirable as we Americans are initially taught and would like to think. That said, there’s one great thing about Thanksgiving — it is important, supremely useful, and pleasant to … [continued]

Thank You!

It just hit me last night that I have convinced hundreds or even thousands (or even tens of thousands?) of people to go solar or buy/lease an electric car (or both!) — two things which are a win-win-win (a win for the consumer, a win for their neighbors and country, … [continued]

Thank You

  I know not all of our readers are American, but that doesn’t mean we can’t send you a big thanks today. Really, I send out my thanks to you all every day… just silently. I’m extremely grateful to be in this position, extremely grateful to have such a wonderful … [continued]

Thank You

Thank You to our awesome, intelligent readers. You all have no idea how happy you make us…. I’m super thankful that we can work together to create positive change in this world.

I also want to give a big thank you to our tremendous CleanTechnica writers and team. I’m humbled and inspired by each of them, and so thankful they (you, if you’re one of them) work here on CleanTechnica.