
Tesla Director Of AI Discusses Programming A Neural Net For Autopilot (Video)

Tesla’s Director of AI, Andrej Karpathy, took to the stage at TRAIN AI 2018 and then proceeded to unpack the company’s approach to building its Autopilot computer vision solution. His talk was titled, “Building the Software 2.0 Stack.” Andrej took on the task of delineating traditional rule-based programming methods from the programming methods used when a neural network — also known as machine learning or artificial intelligence — runs the show. In typical internet lingo, he dubs neural net programming software 2.0, with rule-based programming taking up the software 1.0 moniker.

Road Trippin’ In A Tesla Model 3 vs Other Electric Cars

Road trips are the final frontier for electric cars to totally outshine combustion-engine vehicles (gas/diesel cars). Already clearly a better technology than combustion vehicles in every other respect, of all the electric cars currently on the market, only Tesla so far provides truly compelling road trip ready offerings. This is an area that other carmakers need to pay much more attention to if they have a hope of ever competing with Tesla’s stratospheric demand and world-leading EV sales volume.

Tesla Model 3 Is Laps Ahead Of Other US Plug-In Cars (US Electric Car Sales…

The Tesla Model 3 continues to open up its lead over every other plug-in car on the US market. For all the hype about a slower than projected Model 3 production ramp up, it seems there isn’t another plug-in vehicle that comes within two laps of touching it. It sits at about triple the sales of the #2 Toyota Prius Prime (a plug-in hybrid) and nearly 4 × the sales of all 7 of BMW Group’s plug-in models combined.