public transit

Walk Score regional city transit rankings

Choose Your Next Home With Car-Free US City Transit

The website that brought renters, homebuyers, and realtors a powerful index of walkability has done it again, this time for public transit (source: At the end of January, Matt Lerner, CTO of Walk Score, announced a new ranking of the average resident’s access to public transit in a city. … [continued]

Crowdsourcing Your Bus Wait-Time

It’s painfully chilly waiting for the bus in Minnesota these days, which makes even minor delays seem like hours. But knowledge is power and knowing that the bus is one, three or ten minutes delayed helps riders cope with the wait. Since most transit users don’t have ESP, the Moovit … [continued]

More High-Speed Trains for Britain

A comprehensive network of clean, quick, and punctual trains is a wonderful thing. It also seems to be somewhat rare, but Britain is making a massive step forward in that respect. The HS2 high speed rail scheme is meant to improve on the infrastructure of Britain’s rail network, connecting London to Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds and […]