public transit

Cleantech News Link Drop

I decided to leave last week’s roundup of cleantech (or related) news that we didn’t already cover on Cleantechnica to today (for various reasons). So, now, here’s the roundup. China’s High-Speed Trains [VIDEOS] Why fly when you can travel the 1000km between Guangzhou (Canton) near Hong Kong to Wuhan – … [continued]

Cleantech Link Drop

As I did in the middle of the month, sharing some stories with you that I never had the opportunity to get to but think you might like to check out. Hope you enjoy them… Clean Transport Can Streetcars Save America’s Cities? In a down economy, pursuing the American dream … [continued]

3D Fast Bus in China Goes OVER Cars

  I always wondered about the economic efficiency of creating long, safe, underground tunnels for subway systems. Now, a Chinese company has decided that this traditional underground transit system isn’t as good as an innovative, overground system it has just designed. The company, Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment Co., has … [continued]

Transportation in 2010

Transportation is one of the biggest parts of our lives, whether we think about it or not. How will 2010 help shape the future of transportation in the US? How should it do so? And, more specifically, what is going on in government on this matter? With an expired (in … [continued]