A Cautionary Tale About Mainstream News Media

Warning: this is a cautionary tale about mainstream news media, distortions, and beating others to the punch. It is also followed after many paragraphs by a CleanTechnica fundraising pitch. Of course, regarding the mainstream media frustration, we are very well aware that we are preaching to the choir here. CleanTechnica is made up of independent journalists, writers, and enthusiasts. We write, talk, and film for independent media outlets. As such, we don’t owe allegiance to companies, executives, editors (well, sort of — right, Zach?), or ideologies. Nor do we bow to any lobby groups.

What About Florida? Energy Efficiency, Solar Energy, & Regulatory Backwardness In The Sunshine State (Part…

Florida is known for hurricanes1. As a teenage kid growing up in Miami, we never knew anything about the glory of snow days up North, but we did have Hurricane Days. They usually came in the worst month of Florida’s weather — September. That month, after all, came at the end of a long and hot Florida summer known to be famously muggy and wet. Late August and September are also the rainiest periods in the Liquid Sunshine State, and even worse, school started back before Labor Day.