Lithium-ion batteries

An Automaker Is Born — The Early Days Of Tesla (New Book Excerpt)

It sometimes happens that a symbolic event marking the end of one era neatly coincides with an event that ushers in the next, although no one notices the concurrence at the time. In late 2003, a brief renaissance of electric vehicles came to an ignominious end, as GM rounded up and smashed its EV1 electric cars. Just a few weeks later, three Silicon Valley entrepreneurs sat down for a fateful lunch.

The Renogy Phoenix Portable Solar Generator Provides All-In-One Solar + Storage On The Go

The Phoenix Generator packs all the functionality of a solar generator into a portable package that folds up nicely into a briefcase that will make you feel like a spy from a James Bond film when you whip it out. OK, maybe I’m alone in feeling that way, but the solid build quality, matte black finish, and modern angles all contribute to a very well-built, compact solar generator.

China EV Forecast: 50% EV Market Share by 2025 — Part 3, Ramping Production

China is charging full speed ahead into electric vehicles, on track to sell over 2 million electric vehicles this year, from 1.1 million in 2018. The rapid growth has been driven partly by policy, but increasingly by consumer demand. In the 3rd and final part of this series (check out part one and part two, if you missed them), we look at the ramp up in EV production and battery supply. Will production capacity be able to keep pace with the rapid growth in EV demand?