
Iceland Bullish On Hydrogen (VIDEO)

Personally, I wouldn’t put my money on hydrogen for transportation fuel. I’d put my money on battery-electric vehicles. But numerous companies, researchers, and governments are still putting a lot into hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and no one knows for sure what the future holds. Iceland has also been a clear … [continued]

PlanetSolar the Solar Boat Explores North Atlantic

There has been a slight adjustment in PlanetSolar’s “DeepWater” expedition itinerary. The sun isn’t cooperating as much as the ship’s captain Gérard d’Aboville anticipated, so he and the scientific committee have decided to concentrate on the ocean eddies located between Boston and St. John’s, Canada. An additional stopover has been added at Halifax, … [continued]

Harnessing Volcanoes Themselves for Energy?

A derailed 2009 project in search of improved geothermal resources has been found to have uncovered a new way to harness energy from volcanic magma itself, according to a paper just published at Geology: Origin of a rhyolite that intruded a geothermal well while drilling at the Krafla volcano, Iceland by Wilfred Elders, a professor emeritus of geology in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Riverside.