
Solar PV & Remote, Distributed Microgrids Poised to Improve Living Conditions for Millions

The integration of solar photovoltaics (PV) into remote microgrids will drive rapid growth in the market for such distributed, renewable energy-powered off-grid systems, according to a new market research report. The 80% of world population that resides in developing countries consumes only 30% of global energy supplies, but that’s growing as these countries’ economies develop. Able to be built and installed cheaply and in short order, solar PV-powered remote microgrids have the potential to literally and figuratively empower millions and protect the environment by providing them reliable, affordable access to clean, renewable electricity.

$15 Billion Per Year Needed for Clean Energy R&D Says Growing Consensus of Innovation Supporters

As the Senate version of pending climate legislations, Kerry-Boxer’s CEJAPA, heads for mark-up on Tuesday, voices calling for $15 billion annually for clean energy research and development are starting to gain traction. Earlier this week, Google’s Director of Climate Change and Energy, Dan Reicher joined the ranks of think tanks … [continued]