climate adaptation

"Toys go grocery shopping too" by happyworker is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Did You Know That Climate Hazards Are Raising Your Household Consumer Costs?

Along the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts, sea levels have risen at least 6 inches since 2010. You wouldn’t think that’s a big problem in the scheme of things, but it is forcing groundwater to rise, which leads to elevated risks of overflowing septic tanks. The impacts of climate hazards … [continued]

Managed Retreat in the Face of Climate Change, Part 2

In the second episode of a two-part podcast interview for CleanTech Talk, Michael Barnard, Chief Strategist of TFIE Strategy Inc. and CleanTechnica contributor, and A.R. Siders, core faculty at the University of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center, continue their talk about A.R.’s work as a preeminent U.S. researcher in managing retreat in the face of climate change.