BYD Dolphin

BYD Is Taking It To Tesla

The BYD Atto 3 consistently scores third on the monthly best-selling electric vehicle podium in Australia. With BYD’s importer EVDirect making some significant announcements recently, it seems like the aim is to take the number one and number two spots from Tesla. In partnership with Eagers Automotive, over 20 new … [continued]

David in the Dolphin at Indooroopilly. Photo by Majella Waterworth.

Toyota Corolla Killer? The BYD Dolphin!

With a price point of less than AU$40,000 and 410 km of range, the BYD Dolphin is not only competing with its fellow triplets (the MG 4 and the ORA Cat) but also with similarly sized ICE cars. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there are only 3 BYD Dolphins … [continued]