$325 Million to Fund Solar & Battery Storage for Community Healthcare Facilities & Multi-Family Housing…

Building on DOE’s Programa Acceso Solar for Single Family Households, New $325 Million Funding Will Improve Energy Resilience for Even More Vulnerable Puerto Rican Communities Lea este anuncio en español COAMO, PUERTO RICO — Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced its intent to issue a $325 million funding opportunity … [continued]

Image: Intersect Power

Tesla Provides Intersect Power With 15.3 GWh of Megapacks for Solar + Storage Projects

Tesla and Intersect Power yesterday announced a contract for 15.3 GWh of Megapacks, Tesla’s battery energy storage system, for Intersect Power’s solar + storage project portfolio through 2030. This agreement, when combined with previous commitments, make Intersect Power one of the largest buyers and operators of Megapacks globally with nearly … [continued]

Slide from presentation to Indian utility professionals under auspices of ISGF by Michael Barnard, Chief Strategist, TFIE Strategy Inc

Shutting Down Coal & Gas By Steps, Slides, & Substitutions – India Utilities Seminar Transcript…

Under the auspices of the India Smart Grid Forum, the think tank founded as an umbrella organization over India’s 28 state utilities to provide thought leadership, share leading practices, and bring international insights to India, I’m delivering bi-weekly webinars framed by the Short List of Climate Actions That Will Work. With the … [continued]

California Residents Increasingly Pairing Battery Storage with Solar Installations

California residents are increasingly pairing battery storage with solar installations, according to the latest preliminary data in our Monthly Electric Power Industry Report. The share of new residential solar photovoltaic systems paired with batteries has increased since we began collecting data in October 2023. In April 2024, more than 50% of … [continued]