
EV drivers at PowerGo’s fast charging location. Image courtesy of PowerGo.

Solutions to Improve Interconnection of Rooftop Solar & EV Chargers, Traffic Congestion Squanders Billions of…

Traffic congestion is estimated to have wasted 0.8 billion gallons of gasoline in the US in 1982, but it has grown and grown since then. That number peaked in 2019 at 3.6 billion gallons of wasted fuel. A rare positive of the pandemic is the downturn of car culture. Fuel … [continued]

US Solar Power Booms Under Biden

One of the core areas of focus of the Biden–Harris administration has been growing cleantech — getting more solar power plants build, getting more solar panel factories up and running in the United States, installing more EV chargers, selling more electric cars and trucks, getting offshore wind power going in … [continued]