
Almond Industry Goes Nuts for Solar Power

A leading California almond processor, the Minturn Nut Company, has completed the installation of a 403 kW solar power system on its main warehouse facility in Le Grand, California.  The system was designed and installed by Cenergy Power, a specialist in agricultural solar applications.  California supplies all – that’s right, … [continued]

McDonald's Going Green?

[social_buttons] In recent posts on Planetsave and EcoWorldy about moratoria on soya and cattle products related to Amazon destruction, it was mentioned that McDonald’s is helping to save the Amazon. With the company also delving into green building, progressive energy saving software, and charging stations for electric vehicles, is McDonald’s … [continued]

Climate Change = Watertech Boom

[social_buttons] Necessity is the mother of invention, and real needs will grow with climate change. The most fundamental of these is the need for fresh water. Despite predicted long-term water stress across a wide swathe of agricultural states like California,  we will have to find ways to grow the food … [continued]