Author: Chris Dragon

Dragon’s Guide To A 100% Renewable Home — Part 3 (Axe Gas)

In Part 2, we talked about heating hot water with electricity with a goal of supplying 100% of that electricity with solar panels.R
emember, we aren’t trying to cover 100% of instantaneous electricity use with solar PV, just 100% of the average electricity use for the entire year in a grid-connected system without batteries. For example, if you use 11,000kWh of electricity during the entire year, your PV system will need to generate at least that much energy for the year (and hopefully some extra to offset grid losses). We’ll talk about that more in Part 5.

Dragon’s Guide To A 100% Renewable Home — Part 1 (LEDs)

In Southern California, actor Ed Begley Jr. is famous for going 100% renewable back when it was prohibitively expensive to do so. In 1985, he bought a stake in a wind farm. In 1990, he installed solar panels on his roof. He prefers walking and biking, but when he drives, it’s in an EV (including the EV1, RAV4 EV, and various custom models). Everything in his home is renewable powered or person powered. He’s even got his own TV show about his way of living.