Author: Andrea Bertoli

Climate Action & Your Portfolio: A Conversation About ESG Investment & Greenwashing With ETHO Capital

I’ve long been interested in climate action, and as I’ve become more interested in investing, I’ve become totally passionate about how to do sustainable investment RIGHT – or at least BETTER. In my last article about learning to invest sustainably, I wrote that it’s hard to find funds that truly align with my green sensibilities. But there is one that stood out for me, and in this interview with Amberjae Freeman from ETHO Capital, we dive into what ESG investing is, and what it ISN’T

How To Start With Sustainable Investing

As a novice investor and ‘deep greenie’ I’m committed to growing my portfolio in the most sustainable way possible. Over the past two years I’ve been doing research and learning all that I can – and here’s the story of what I’ve learned about how we can vote with our dollars and invest with our values for a fossil-fuel free world.

Why Renewable Companies Should Be Paying Attention To Mauna Kea

There is a monumental political and cultural uprising happening in Hawaii at this very moment. While this particular issue is focused on a telescope (more on that below), it has really clear indications for other types of development in the future, including renewables. Solar companies, wind companies, and other renewable industry people would do well to learn from what’s happening on the mountain. There are big lessons to be learned here.

Sagen Sie uns Ihre Meinung zu Elektrofahrzeugen!

CleanTechnica veröffentlicht seit 2016 jedes Jahr einen Jahresbericht über die Fahrer von Elektrofahrzeugen. In diesen Berichten erfahren wir, was Menschen weltweit von Elektrofahrzeugen (EVs) halten, welche EVs sie fahren, was sie als nächstes Fahrzeug kaufen oder leasen wollen, welche Ladevorgänge sie erleben, welche Funktionen sie in einem Fahrzeug wünschen und … [continued]