
The Real Reasons For This Conflict With Iran

If Iran and the US go to war, no one will win in this conflict. Not the US, not Iran, and definitely not Iraq, which has been placed right in the middle of this war between the US and Iran. People cheering for war and saying that “Trump will wipe Iran off the map” do not realize that it’s not about Iran or Trump. It’s more than that — it’s about power, and the battle for this power or control will not care about casualties of war.

Saudi Crown Prince Warns Of Threat To Global Oil Supply

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has told the BBC that if a war was to break out between Iran and Saudi Arabia, oil prices could rise up to “unimaginably high numbers.” He says this is possible if the world doesn’t try to deter Iran, and that more escalation will threaten the world’s interests. “Oil supplies will be disrupted and oil prices will jump to unimaginably high numbers that we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.”

Yakhchāls, Āb Anbārs, & Wind Catchers — Passive Cooling & Refrigeration Technologies Of Greater Iran…

If you were indoctrinated into the western public education system anytime over the last few centuries, then you likely learned all about all of the amazing “inventions” that originated in Europe over the last half-millennia. If you later went on to give yourself an actual education, then you learned that much of what you were taught was bunk or propaganda.

Worldwide EV Road Trip Happening Now — A Fascinating Story To Follow!

You may, or may not, have heard that for the past 662 days, a Dutch man has been driving across the world in an electric car. He started in the Netherlands, has driven up, down, and around Europe (passing through 20 European countries), journeyed through the Middle East and Asia, and has just made it to Indonesia, so is now not far from his destination of Sydney, Australia.