Search Results for: terra preta

Biochar Has Potential To Enhance Agriculture In California & Mitigate Climate Change

The COVID-19 pandemic shut down large sections of global commerce in 2020, causing economic disruption worldwide. Industry slowed tremendously, which yielded significant declines in global economic output and a substantial drop in greenhouse gas emissions. As preliminary data rolls in for 2021, it is clear that international commerce is recovering. … [continued]

How To Reverse Global Warming With Heat

  Most people know what anthropogenic global warming is. Even climate deniers have some idea of how it works, though they may pretend it’s not happening. The technical details of anthropogenic global warming are as follows: Humans produce atmospheric carbon through burning things and making cement. This atmospheric carbon blocks … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image depicting the Three Monkeys metaphor as they gaze upon a rusting bus mounted on blocks, labeled "H2", in an abandoned lot.

EU Spent €1.2 Billion On Hydrogen Transportation, Asked For More To Compete With Batteries

Recently the EU’s Joint Research Centre released an assessment of efforts related to hydrogen for transportation. In it, they make the remarkable statement that fuel cell vehicles can’t compete with battery-electric vehicles and then ask for more money to help fuel cell vehicles keep going. “Both FCEVs and FCEBs face … [continued]