Cash For Clunkers Program In China Will Boost Electric Car Industry As EU Tariffs Bite
The cash for clunkers program in China is designed to get more people to buy an electric car and trade in a gas hog at the same time.
The cash for clunkers program in China is designed to get more people to buy an electric car and trade in a gas hog at the same time.
The world of electric car manufacturing is expanding, as Chinese companies build new factories in more countries.
There has been a vast amount of discussion on Chinese electric cars making their way to European and US markets, and the European Union and USA putting high tariffs on these electric cars based on the assumption that production of these electric cars is being unfairly subsidized, overproduced, and then … [continued]
When Joe Biden was a US presidential candidate in 2019, he tweeted, “Trump doesn’t get the basics. He thinks his tariffs are being paid by China. Any freshman econ student could tell you that the American people are paying his tariffs.” Fast forward five years to May 2024, and President … [continued]
The Volvo EX30 goes on sale in the US this summer. Will it manage to avoid import tariffs and qualify for federal tax credits?