West Virgina Governor Signs Restrictive Net Metering Bill

Two weeks after vetoing a virtually identical bill, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin of West Virginia signed H.B. 2201. The legislation revamps net metering rules in West Virginia, restricting what the legislation describes as “cross-subsidization” that would have allowed owners of solar installations to sell clean energy back to the grid. … [continued]

The Solar Right & The Arizona Test Case

Originally published in Let the Sunshine In: A Solar Power Blog. Barry Goldwater, Jr., the son of the late conservative Republican Presidential candidate – and Arizona native – Barry Goldwater (who was defeated by Democratic President Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 election), has always been very much a man after … [continued]

Image Credit: TUSK

Arizona Rooftop Solar Power Under Threat From APS, Again!

Update: Show your support for solar once more, by attending a meeting at the Arizona Corporation Commission this Thursday, February 6 at 10am at 1200 W. Washington St., Phoenix AZ 85007. If you are unable to join in person, please email your support to the Chairman of the Commission at Stump-web@azcc.gov. As the Chairman and Commissioners to vote … [continued]

New Report Affirms Dark Money Lines Utility Pockets

The rooftop solar industry closed out 2013 with a 4-0 winning streak against the monopoly utilities’ attempts to eliminate net metering. Net metering gives rooftop solar customers full retail credit for the excess electricity they deliver to the electric grid. The utility turns around and sells this electricity to homes and … [continued]