Sierra Club

Photo by Chanan Bos, CleanTechnica.

What Now?

What’s done is done, and we can’t change the past, so we’ll just move on to the question of the day. What now? Perhaps a story first. In 2004, Adam Werbach, the former Sierra Club president, went all in on defeating a Texas oilman US president who had started an … [continued]

"Wills citizens cheer when cheque for Fossil Fuel Subsidies Cancelled - Climate Action Moreland" by John Englart (Takver) is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Why Are You Paying To Subsidize The Fossil Fuel Industry?

How much are you willing to subsidize the government and prop up the fossil fuel industry? Governments across the world now spend a total of $2.6 trillion per year on subsidies that harm the environment, jeopardizing global climate and biodiversity targets. The public should not be paying at the pump … [continued]