New York Times

Sparks Fly From The World’s Highest Pulpit

“The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.” With words and images as pointed as these, on Thursday Pope Francis I infused his Church–and all the world’s faiths–with the prevailing view of environmental scientists and heads of state: we should waste no … [continued]

Climate Change Denial A Bargain At $1.2 Mil

Ultraconservative news media, the new Congress, and some state governments have heavily relied on the testimony of Dr. Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon to discredit national and international reports on climate change by mainstream scientists. It turns out they’re probably making a big mistake. Dr. Soon has claimed repeatedly that variations in the … [continued]

Any News In That Climate Change Poll?

Everyone’s talking about the Stanford-Times climate change poll that came out last Thursday. Simply, it showed that Americans are way ahead of their lawmakers in terms of recognizing that human activities help cause climate change and that humans can do something about it. Resoundingly ahead. The new climate change poll shows … [continued]

Author John Perlin & The Solar Cell

In a discussion today about solar energy and the coming Year of Light, author John Perlin helped enlighten me about the importance of the solar cell (photovoltaic systems) as a source for renewable electrical energy. What is the single most significant consideration in designing a PV system, as opposed to … [continued]

Homesharing With AIRBNB: Greener Than Your Usual Hotel

Andrew Simon of Grist describes Airbnb, a five-year-old vaca-homeshare business from San Francisco along the lines of the carshare program Lyft, as “the growing vacation-rental juggernaut.” The company calls itself “a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world–online or from a mobile … [continued]