
Enel X Announces A New Suite Of Intelligent, Connected EV Chargers For 2020

Enel X has launched a cohesive new line of EV charging solutions to kick off 2020. The new solutions create a full suite of EV charging solutions designed to solve the needs of customers in residential, workplace, commercial, and public charging. The new family of Enel X chargers builds on the success of the JuiceBox, introducing new variants across the residential charging horizontal as well as complementary products in completely new market verticals.

Gaining Back The EV Revenue Stream Henry Ford & Thomas Edison Gave Up

In the early 20th Century Edison said, “Electricity is the thing. There are no whirring and grinding gears with their numerous levers to confuse. There is not that almost terrifying uncertain throb and whirr of the powerful combustion engine. There is no water-circulating system to get out of order – no dangerous and evil-smelling gasoline and no noise.” We know how history turned out, and now, 100 years later, Ford and Edison’s dream of electric vehicles is very much alive.

eMotorWerks Puts EV Chargers To Work As 30 Megawatt Virtual Energy Storage Battery

Enel X’s eMotorWerks has successfully deployed a 30 megawatt / 70 megawatt-hour virtual energy storage battery load comprised of distributed electric vehicle charging loads on the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) markets. The new offering bundles together the electricity demand of thousands of plug-in vehicle drivers and pays drivers for … [continued]