The History Of Solar Power Has Many Lessons For Today
The fascinating history of solar power from one of the world’s experts.
The fascinating history of solar power from one of the world’s experts.
The following post from John Perlin is very much worth the read, especially for those many individuals, myself included, who saw former US president Jimmy Carter as a solar hero. As Mr. Perlin points out, Carter placed a severe roadblock in front of the developing solar photovoltaics industry. Perlin is the author of … [continued]
By John Perlin I must warn you. The material I am about to describe would be forbidden by today’s Congress. Here’s how I came upon it. I traveled not far from home, to Simi Valley, to visit the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library to research solar policy in the 1980s for … [continued]
Originally published on Solar Love. Lists are always fun, so here are 12 solar facts to put in your notebook so you can share the important stuff with anyone who’s interested. I have divided this list of facts into four categories that might help you to better keep track of … [continued]
Recent news about the Solar Impulse and its successful landing journey to Hawaii have many renewable energy champions singing the praises of solar flight, even after learning the plane will have to remain in Hawaii until 2016 while overheated batteries are replaced. I consider myself very fortunate to have worked with … [continued]
Many of us today might understand the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2), the atmosphere, and climate change. However, we have been provided with little historic background on how the issue of global warming draws increasing attention from the likes of world leaders as highly regarded as Pope Francis. Aside from … [continued]
Many of us today might understand the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2), the atmosphere, and climate change. However, we have been provided with little historic background on how the idea of global warming gained traction. Historian and physicist John Perlin joins me in an enlightening interview about this little-understood subject. … [continued]
Electrical energy storage tops the wish list for a growing number of photovoltaic panel owners who sadly witness the death of photons each time the sun sets. Photons, the items that generate electricity and make the world of rooftop solar energy possible at all, cease to exist in darkness. “Basically, … [continued]
By John Perlin I gave a lecture in March at the University of California, San Diego, on the evolution of solar architecture and technology over the millennia, based on my recent book, Let It Shine, starting with the Neolithic Chinese reckoning of the sun’s path throughout the year and how they made use … [continued]
Welcome back, where we pick up on our 12th photovoltaics miniseries entry, “Jimmy Carter’s War Against PV.” Surprised? Read on. Our miniseries features physicist and author John Perlin. The idea for this series was developed to correspond with the UN’s 2015 Year of Light. Perlin’s book, “Let It Shine: The … [continued]