John Cook

How To Debunk A Myth (Effectively)

In the second half of this episode of our CleanTech Talk podcast interview series, Michael Barnard, Chief Strategist of TFIE Strategy Inc. and CleanTechnica contributor, sits down to continue talking with John Cook, cognitive scientist and founder of Skeptical Science, about climate change misinformation and communication.

Conspiracy Theorists, Climate Change Deniers, & The Rejection of Science

The USA especially is in a challenging place right now. A significant portion of the populace although not a majority believes a variety of things which are provably false and appear immune to reason and fact. They are supported by a President who has ridden their willful ignorance to a powerful position, and in turn he continues to feed their warped world view. The USA was built as much on engineering and science as on capitalism. Rejecting it will only hurt a great country, and by extension, the world.