
iPhone Charging Index Shows Potential Of Liquidstar’s Platform For Wireless Grids & The Beauty of…

Liquidstar wants to revolutionize the off-grid electricity market with its Decentralized Autonomous Utility (DAU) platform. By taking out the expensive bits (the powerlines and power reticulation systems), Liquidstar’s ‘wireless’ battery-powered sustainable ecosystems aim to solve energy access challenges for some of the powerless 1.1 billion.

The Inevitability Of The Tesla App Store

Tesla raised the bar for the in-car infotainment experience with its massive 17″ displays in the Model S and X, then flipped things on their side with a 15″ landscape display in the Model 3. The large, responsive touchscreens brought the familiar interface from all of our smart devices into the car while allowing almost endless opportunities to innovate through future software updates.