Interstate Renewable Energy Council

"The Night Lights of the United States (as seen from space)" by woodleywonderworks is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Grid Condition Accuracy Requires Monthly Reporting & Assurances

Gwendolyn Brown, vice president of communications at the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) in San Francisco, reached out to me at CleanTechnica. She wanted me to be aware of a pending decision before the California Public Utilities Commission regarding access to accurate information about the conditions on the electric grid. … [continued]

Image Credit: IWSI America

Training More Clean Energy Workers With Apprenticeships

The world will not have a clean energy transformation without more workers to install the tremendous amount of urgently needed solar power, wind power, geothermal, energy-efficiency upgrades, and grid enhancements. These individuals will function as a critical component during the essential movement as clean renewables replace fossil fuels. To that … [continued]

A Community Solar Gold Standard?

Joy Hughes was living in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, a place with a “tremendous amount of solar potential,” so good that the valley’s residents were being overwhelmed by proposals for large-scale solar power plants. One had a “field of things like radar dishes” and another included a “600 … [continued]

California’s Net Metering at a Crossroads

  There’s a big net metering controversy/conflict in California at the moment, but a conclusion seems to be near. Susan just wrote on this a bit yesterday, and now we’ve got a wonderful, exclusive guest post from Ben Higgins, Director of Government Affairs, Mainstream Energy Corp./REC Solar/AEE Solar, to share with … [continued]