Plan Now For Home Efficiency Federal Rebate Programs
Federal rebate programs offer significant financial incentives to people who replace fossil fuel powered appliances.
Federal rebate programs offer significant financial incentives to people who replace fossil fuel powered appliances.
Every bit of carbon pollution we can eliminate is helpful in the grand scheme of things, but how much of an impact can a small startup working in a small sector of the energy industry actually make? When compared to the conversion of a 1000-strong fleet of vehicles to electric … [continued]
The Department of Energy may update energy efficiency standards for manufactured homes for the first time since 1994, Utility Dive reports. Strengthened standards for new homes could dramatically benefit the disproportionately low-income population who live in them, because manufactured homes use 70% more energy per square foot than traditional houses. A … [continued]
Efficiency combined with solar changes the equation dramatically. The difference for me was roughly 2/3 the cost of a new Tesla Model 3.
Recently, we covered the DIY home efficiency program Kauai is using as an economic recovery and resilience tool. The idea behind the project was to provide immediate and ongoing economic relief to residents who were negatively affected by the economic fallout of COVID-19.
Everyone knows COVID-19 has interrupted the majority of businesses. While solar and other renewable generation companies can continue relatively smoothly (relatively) in this new era, energy efficiency, specifically in the residential space, is a very disrupted industry.
Improve your home’s efficiency by adopting these 5 habits.
Home efficiency is one of those things you may think has been done already — building code improvements surely must’ve accounted for what we’ve known about home energy use for decades now, right?
A DIY home efficiency program, where residents can use a guided home efficiency self-audit tool, and receive a box in the mail full of efficiency products specifically tailored for their home, is being piloted in Kauai.
By Joe Wachunas “Hi, I’d like to cancel my service.” Seven anticlimactic words in a phone call to our natural gas company marked a momentous ending for my family — the final black pipe carrying fossil fuels deep from North Dakota Bakken fields into our home has been shut off. We, a … [continued]