
ChatGPT generated anoramic image of a diesel burning locomotive pulling oil and coal cars with American flags on the side

Is The USA Becoming A Free Rider On Other Countries’ Climate Action?

The free rider problem in climate action arises when some countries or actors benefit from the efforts of others to mitigate climate change without contributing their fair share. Since the atmosphere is a global common good, actions taken by one country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions benefit the entire world, … [continued]

Low U.S. Gasoline Demand Is Making Gasoline Less Profitable, Reducing Crack Spreads

Low gasoline demand in combination with the seasonal switch to winter-grade gasoline has made gasoline less profitable to produce, reducing the difference between gasoline blendstock and crude oil prices to multiyear lows in October 2023. The crack spread is the difference between the price of a wholesale petroleum product and the crude oil price, … [continued]

A Gas Station!

There was a building on a relatively busy corner leading out of town that could never stay in business. From the time I was a kid, it kept changing and opening as something else — a restaurant, a trading post, an antique store, a restaurant several times, and probably a few other businesses over the years that I can’t even remember.