Floating Solar Meets Fish Farming
A large fish farm in East China is getting a 940-megawatt floating solar array, aimed at replacing fossil fuels while fostering a healthier environment for the fish.
A large fish farm in East China is getting a 940-megawatt floating solar array, aimed at replacing fossil fuels while fostering a healthier environment for the fish.
The idea of co-locating offshore wind turbines with seaweed is beginning to take shape here in the US and other parts of the world.
A report from the World Bank this week urges nations to redirect the money from subsidy programs to fighting global heating.
A drumbeat of climate-fueled heatwaves, compounded by water management practices, will likely kill nearly all juvenile chinook salmon in the Sacramento River, California wildlife officials warn. “It’s an extreme set of cascading climate events pushing us into this crisis situation,” California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife spokesperson Jordan Traverso told … [continued]
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the “Fish Cannon” or “Fish Tube.” If not, that’s OK, I’ll introduce you to the meme sensation. You see, there’s a company called Whooshh that’s working to help get salmon and other fish that spawn in fresh water past … [continued]
Zombie fish — it’s just a prelude of what’s to come for our waters, once protected, but not more.
This is the part two of a multi-article series on the connection between animal agriculture and various societal and environmental problems. This article covers animal agriculture’s connection to freshwater use, freshwater quality, water pollution violations, fishes and other sea animals, ocean hypoxia, and declining phytoplankton in the oceans.
Nano-sized particles of plastic can accumulate in the brains of fish and cause damage and behavioral changes, according to a new study from Lund University.
Anthropogenic climate warming could lead to water temperatures in some parts of the world exceeding the thermal survival limits of the fish species living there now, according to new research from the University of Washington.
The idea of laboratory grown meats is not new. Advocates of the technology funded a $330,000 lab grown hamburger to showcase that it could be done. The basic idea of lab-grown food is that stem cells from the actual animal species in question are used to create a substitute that is every bit as genetically real as its living, breathing cousin.