
Planned Obsolescence Leads To Resource Depletion, Overflowing Landfills, & Climate Change

Virtually all manufacturers today build their “durable” white and brown goods with planned obsolescence. They are designed to fail instead of designed for the longest possible lifetime. Concurrently, most now come with 1-year warranties, or longer warranties as a marketing gimmick, with some of the purchase price put aside by the bean counters for the inevitable failures. The reason for all this is increased profit.

Isidore — The Cure For Black Friday Overconsumption

While millions of Americans are doing everything they can to get the latest electronics, billions of discarded devices lie waiting to become truly obsolete in dusty basements everywhere. Some are lucky enough to get donated to charities that resell them to people who can’t afford the latest and greatest. But most, about 75% of the e-waste America generates, winds up in a landfill somewhere. The toxic metals then mix with the liquids and can easily find their way back into the water supply. Meanwhile, circuit boards in public toilets are stripped for their precious metals, while the majority of offshore electronics recycling is done with little regard for health and safety.