Want to Help The Victims Of Hurricane Ian? Start Here
Yes, climate change. But, also: help!
Yes, climate change. But, also: help!
Off-grid renewable energy promises speedy electrification for a huge world sector of communities that now lack power or suffer from intermittent supply. Of the 1.3 billion world citizens with sketchy or no electric power in their lives, fully 95% live in Africa or Asia. In Accra, Ghana, in November 2012, … [continued]
International Off-Grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition, Manila, June 16, 2014 (IRENA) The efforts of the fledgling—but remarkably effective—International Off-Grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition are paying off again this week. To more than 400 IOREC delegates in Manila, the International Renewable Energy Agency, Asian Development Bank, and Alliance for … [continued]