California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

Trump or no Trump, a new bidirectional clean energy transmission line is on track for construction to commence this year, connecting wind and solar resources in Idaho, Nevada, and California.

More Bright Green, Clean Energy For Deep Red State

Trump or no Trump, a new bidirectional clean energy transmission line is on track for construction to commence this year, connecting wind and solar resources in Idaho, Nevada, and California.

Figure 2. In 2023, average wholesale electricity prices (2023$/MWh) varied strongly by region. Shown are annual average real time electricity market prices based on data from all locational marginal p ce (LMP) nodes in 2023. Energy Markets & Policy Berkeley laboratory

Exploring Wholesale Energy Price Trends: The Renewables & Wholesale Electricity Prices (ReWEP) Tool, Version 2024.1

The Renewables and Wholesale Electricity Prices (ReWEP) visualization tool from Berkeley Lab has been updated with nodal electricity pricing and wind and solar generation data through the end of 2023: ReWEP users can explore trends in wholesale electricity prices and their relationship to wind and solar generation. ReWEP includes … [continued]

What Does Western Grid Regionalization Mean for California?

California’s grid reliability struggles have intensified in recent years as extreme summer heat strains the system and threatens power outages. The state’s grid reliability is also inextricably linked to issues of improving energy affordability and achieving California’s ambitious clean energy goals. With California’s power woes apparent, Western grid regionalization has … [continued]

How California Hydropower Plants Navigate Intense Drought

Despite widespread, intense drought conditions, hydroelectric power plants in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the grid operator for most of the state, provided a significant amount of generation from April to September 2021. Although drought conditions reduced the water supply in California, hydroelectric generation during this period still increased … [continued]