More Bright Green, Clean Energy For Deep Red State
Trump or no Trump, a new bidirectional clean energy transmission line is on track for construction to commence this year, connecting wind and solar resources in Idaho, Nevada, and California.
Trump or no Trump, a new bidirectional clean energy transmission line is on track for construction to commence this year, connecting wind and solar resources in Idaho, Nevada, and California.
Last summer, U.S. electricity demand in the Lower 48 states was greatest at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on July 15, 2024, when it reached about 745 gigawatthours (GWh), based on data in our Hourly Electric Grid Monitor. In our analysis, we calculate each day’s peak according to the hour with … [continued]
The Renewables and Wholesale Electricity Prices (ReWEP) visualization tool from Berkeley Lab has been updated with nodal electricity pricing and wind and solar generation data through the end of 2023: ReWEP users can explore trends in wholesale electricity prices and their relationship to wind and solar generation. ReWEP includes … [continued]
The California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the grid operator for most of the state, is increasingly curtailing solar- and wind-powered electricity generation as it balances supply and demand during the rapid growth of wind and solar power in California. Grid operators must balance supply and demand to maintain a stable electric system. … [continued]
States with decarbonization goals must plan, prepare, and test for long-duration energy storage
A bill in the California State Legislature that would start a fully integrated western electricity grid will be heard in the Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee next week
California’s grid reliability struggles have intensified in recent years as extreme summer heat strains the system and threatens power outages. The state’s grid reliability is also inextricably linked to issues of improving energy affordability and achieving California’s ambitious clean energy goals. With California’s power woes apparent, Western grid regionalization has … [continued]
Heat waves and drought are rocking the United States, and that has even led to some U.S. schools closing due to the extreme heat. This has happened on both the East Coast and the West Coast. Heat, Insufficient Cooling Disrupt Learning Nationwide Extreme heat across the country is disrupting education … [continued]
Through the Emergency Load Reduction Program (ELRP) pilot, participants will receive $2 for every additional kWh their Powerwall delivers during an event.
Despite widespread, intense drought conditions, hydroelectric power plants in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the grid operator for most of the state, provided a significant amount of generation from April to September 2021. Although drought conditions reduced the water supply in California, hydroelectric generation during this period still increased … [continued]