Masdar Institute

Masdar Desalination Pilots Move Into Optimization Phase

In early 2014, Zach covered an exciting desalination project that Masdar kicked off which specifically focused on improving the energy efficiency of the desalination process while also supporting it with renewable energy. Pulling the background from our previous article forward, CEO of Masdar Dr. Ahmad Belhoul shared some specifics: “Today, the Gulf region accounts for over 50% … [continued]

Boeing, Etihad Airways, Masdar Institute Halophyte Biofuel Update (Exclusive Videos)

One of the big Masdar sessions at the World Future Energy Summit, part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, was a session focused on the halophyte biofuel research CleanTechnica featured in two exclusives pieces last year. As Dr Alejandro Rios of Masdar Institute called it again today in the press conference, this biofuel development is “truly … [continued]