Search Results for: portugal

Tesla Officially Enters Portugal

Tesla has now officially entered the Portuguese market, according to an email sent to CleanTechnica. What this means in practice is that those in Portugal who want to order a Tesla Model S or Model X can now do so directly in Portugal, rather than being forced to do so in a different country.

Portugal & Brazil Partnering For Affordable EV Production

In order to quickly increase the number of affordable offerings available to the public, the Center for Excellence and Innovation for the Automobile Industry (CEiiA) and Itaipu Technological Park (PTI) are partnering for the production and sale of an electric vehicle developed by the two, as revealed in a public announcement from the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, and the President of Brazil, Michel Temer.

2,000 MW Of Solar Power Being Processed In Portugal

Originally published on Planetsave. In notable solar news, Portugal has authorized the processing of licenses for solar projects which total more than 2,000 megawatts (2 gigawatts) of potential power. Specifically, 180 MW of solar projects have presently been authorized under the existing market system in the nation’s southern region, and an … [continued]

410 GWh Of Solar Electricity Bought In Spain & Portugal Auction By Spanish Utility Endesa

Originally published on Sustainnovate. The Spanish utility company Endesa purchased 410 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of solar electricity during a recent solar energy auction for Portugal and Spain, according to recent reports. The solar auction in question ended with a price of €39.6/MWh/megawatt-hour ($43.82). The aforementioned 410 GWh of solar electricity equates … [continued]

Ventinveste And Ferrostaal To Invest $296 Million Into Portugal Wind

Ventinveste, a consortium combining some of Portugal’s top energy and engineering companies, will be pairing with project developer Ferrostaal to build four wind farms in Portugal in a $296 million investment that analysts believe will do a lot to strengthen the country’s renewable energy market. The investment,  €220 million worth, will build Project … [continued]