Coal-Killing Long-Duration Energy Storage For Vermont (Vermont?!?)
Coal down, gas to go: new long duration energy storage system for wind and solar holds enough juice to replace fossil fuel power plants.
Coal down, gas to go: new long duration energy storage system for wind and solar holds enough juice to replace fossil fuel power plants.
Improving the energy efficiency of buildings can slash utility costs. New studies in Chattanooga and Roanoke show how.
Installing a rooftop solar system on your home might feel like the best way to fully offset the electricity usage of the home, but new analysis from the home energy monitoring experts at Sense reveals that might not always be the case. Before we dive in, let’s talk a bit … [continued]
We connected with Generac’s Chief Marketing Officer and president of its new clean energy business, Russ Minick, at SPI 2019, to talk about its big pivot into energy storage products to learn more about where that strategy came from. Right off the bat, Russ said that Generac had been eyeing the residential energy storage market for quite some time, but until recently, felt that, “it wasn’t worth the diversion of focus.”
State subsidies for renewable energy are under attack in the Texas legislature by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a so-called think tank funded by the Koch Brothers and ExxonMobil. Surprise, surprise!
Renewables and other clean tech sectors are huge economic drivers for the US, with or without support for clean energy jobs from the Commander-in-Chief.
Everything — 9 to 5 jobs, flat rate energy bills, three-car garages — is organized according to the misconception that fossil fuels will always be around to provide energy exactly at our convenience. The challenge of embracing renewable energy is just as much mental as it is technical. It requires ditching the dominant industrial cognitive paradigm that still persists in an age where the transition away from fossil fuels use is imperative.
With renewable energy constantly in the news these days — AOC’s tweets, the Sunrise Movement’s activism, the Tesla phenomenon, solar energy’s rapidly dropping costs — is it any surprise that Budweiser is joining the trend? Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser has a definite appeal to a green audience in its Super Bowl LIII commercial, titled “Wind Never Felt Better.”
How AT&T is leveraging connectivity and energy efficiency to deliver on its promise of helping its clients cut carbon emissions.
Study finds 7/10 wind energy developers had no Facebook page for their projects. Only 2 were doing anything on Twitter.