High-Speed Rail

Midjourney generated image of wrong hands, hydrogen

New US Hydrogen Strategy: Wrong Department, Wrong Authors

The US hydrogen strategy was positioned in the wrong federal department. It was put in the hands of people who deal with fossil fuels all day long and have a paradigm of burning them for energy, not a paradigm of electricity for energy. It fails Rumelt’s test for the first thing that makes a good strategy, and so its principles and actions will be failures as well.

Midjourney-generated image of freight truck covered in circuitry and sparks.

Sex/Unsexy, Practical/Impractical: Ground Transport Has Silly Nonsense & Boring Reality

All of us, most of the time, wander around on the surface of the Earth. A small percentage travel across rivers, lakes and oceans in boats of various kinds regularly. A smaller percentage than that get above the ground into the skies. And, of course, the tiniest rounding error on a gnat’s hairy thorax get above the atmosphere. So let’s talk about moving around on the ground in this next edition of sexy/unsexy, practical/impractical.