Wind Energy

First Wind Powered City

Rock Port, Missouri is the first 100% wind powered city in the US. Loess Hill Wind Farm, with four 1.25 MW wind turbines is estimated to generate 16 gigawatt hours (16 million kilowatt hours) of electricity annually. 13 gigawatts hours of electricity have historically been consumed annually by the residents … [continued]

Top 10 Renewable Tech Gadgets

There are a lot of cool gadgets out there, but there’s a fine line between what’s cool and what’s useful. This is a green list of gadgets that are useful, but boast the extra-cool factor of using renewable energy. No batteries required! 10. The Ship has Landed The lightship is … [continued]

It's a Smog World After All!

Not long ago I was visiting my old hometown of Chicago, walking through the streets of Bucktown on my way to my favorite bar (Map Room) when I noticed a cool house on Milwaukee Avenue near Hoyne. This “cool” house had a garden and two wind turbines on the roof … [continued]

Can't Get Cleantechnical Without a Plan

Maybe it’s because this national renewable energy company is based out of St. Louis that makes them so appealing to this St. Louisan. Maybe it’s the fact that I used to blog for these guys on their project blog and know that the folks behind the curtain are good people. … [continued]