Author: Kurt Lowder

Unsanctioned Democratic Climate Change Debate Could Occur On TYT

The Democratic National Committee voted against holding a debate on climate change. Why?

Is the corrupting influence of the fossil fuel lobby forcing theses decisions? Are they are afraid of turning off moderate voters? Are they worried about people demanding a variety of single-issue debates?

For now, we can relegate the answers to the comment section, because any definitive proof for any of these explanations is lacking.

Sandy Munro States Tesla Has A 10-Year Lead Over US Automakers

Get your popcorn and snacks ready! Sandy Munro has another hour-long interview about the ongoing transition to electric vehicles. There is always so much packed into these videos. Munro just has a knack for cutting right to the chase and explaining engineering, manufacturing, and business to the layperson. In the interview, Munro is joined by Mark Ellis, who is a Senior Associate at Munro and Associates.