Author: Jesper Berggreen

Africa Has S***loads Of Resources — Trump May Have Provoked The World’s 2nd Largest Continent…

Anyone who knows me — or has read my resume below — will understand why I have to comment on the horrendous outburst by the President of the United States on January 11th. I heard Jesse Watters on Fox News explain that the s***hole remarks were just harmless bar talk, but if we can agree that the White House is in fact the office of the most powerful administration in the world — and not a bar — then the following will make sense. If you think the White House is in fact a bar, you have nothing to worry about and I would suggest you stop reading further.

9 Down, 1 To Go — A Personal Tale Of 7 Years With Electric Cars

My lease is up. My BMW i3 — my snappy and ugly duckling — has been returned to AVIS. There was a waiting line, so no chance of extending the lease. I have a reservation for the Tesla Model 3 due to be delivered by the end of the year. So, while I ponder on what to do next, let me recap which EVs I have experienced in the last 7 years. Luckily I have a bunch of electric bikes (some hand-built) that I can ride in the meantime, and I promise you they are nothing you would expect — but that’s another story.