Search Results for: fossil fuel climate change

DALL·E generated image of oil barrels getting smaller left to right

COP29: “Fighting Climate Change” is Euphemism for Ending Fossil Fuels

After the only win from last year’s COP28 was saying out loud “End Fossil Fuels,” the Drill-Baby-Drill crowd under the leadership of Saudi Arabia is doing everything in their power to make it just a line in an “All of the Above” policy agenda. At every international forum — from … [continued]

Slide from ISGF India utility professional seminar on hydrogen for energy by Michael Barnard, Chief Strategist, TFIE Strategy

Hydrogen for Energy Serves Fossil Fuel Interests, Not Climate Change or Economy

The long-running seminar series for India’s utility professionals through the India Smart Grid Forum closed with hydrogen. The hype glitter is starting to tarnish, but there is still a lot of substance-less shiny noise around the molecule. To that end, I stepped through the challenges and why hydrogen is virtually … [continued]

50% Of Industrial Climate Change Emissions Tied To Fossil Fuel Companies

The Rocky Mountain Institute recently released a report titled Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness, in which it was stated that in 2015, half of worldwide industrial greenhouse gas emissions came from 50 companies working in fossil-fuel industries. Thomas Kirk and Jessie Lund from RMI answered some questions about the report for CleanTechnica.