wind energy costs

Lazard: Wind & Solar Power Costs Continue To Fall, Putting Coal & Nuclear At A…

Lazard is a global asset management company that tracks the cost of producing electricity, among other things. It uses a measure called the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), which averages the estimated costs of construction, maintenance, and fuel for electricity generating assets over the number of megawatt-hours that each is expected to produce over its lifetime. In simple terms, it is one way of comparing different ways of making electricity to see which cost more and which cost less.

Renewables Now Cheapest, But How To Enable Faster Renewable Energy Growth?

Renewable energy is now the cheapest option, on average, for new electricity capacity around the world — developed countries like the US as well as developing countries. As I noted the other day, we need to keep channeling this message to the broader public, and especially decision-makers, but there are other things to do in order to increase renewable energy growth.

Awareness, Awareness, Awareness — Clean Energy Is Cheap, Cheap, Cheap (Time To Be Annoying)

What do you think of people who just keep talking about the same thing o v e r and o v e r and o v e r again? Annoying as hell, right? Politicians who repeat the same crap lines repeatedly. CEOs who you hear deliver the same fluff PR talking point for the 100th time. Annoying cleantech bloggers who keep telling you about … oh, wait, I’m not going to go there. 🙂

REN21, UNEP Reports Highlight Challenges Amid Record Renewable Energy Growth

The drive to develop and deploy renewable energy worldwide has been no ‘blip on the radar screen,’ but rather a sustained effort, the cumulative magnitude and effects of which are laid out in two industry standard reference reports released yesterday: the United Nations Environment Programme’s “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2012” and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century’s (REN21) 2012 Renewables Global Status Report.