White House

Silencing Science: Trump Campaign Tries To Quash Anthropogenic Connection To Climate Crisis

In a podcast by RevealNews.org, a story is told of a scientist, Maria Caffrey, PhD, of the University of Colorado, Boulder, who works with the US Park Service. She did a four-year study of the potential impact of climate crisis on 118 national parks in 2030, 2050, and 2100. It was finished in late 2016 just before Donald Trump ascended to the presidency (after losing the vote by nearly 3,000,000 votes).

White House Announces Electric Vehicle Hackathon

The main story regarding the White House’s latest EV push was the $4.5 billion put into Department of Energy loan guarantees for EV charging infrastructure. But there were several additional stories that are worth highlighting, including the launch of an “Electric Vehicle Hackathon.” Before getting into the hackathon, though, I think … [continued]

1.3 GW Of New Energy Storage = White House Goal

The White House recently announced that a number of federal actions and commitments from the private sector could result in 1.3 GW of new energy storage installations or procurements over the next five years. It also said that — with all the potential procurements, deployments, and private sector activity — it could be possible … [continued]