us politics

US Climate Politics History Lesson — CleanTech Talk with Nathaniel Rich

In this episode of our CleanTech Talk podcast interview series, Zach Shahan sits down with Nathaniel Rich, novelist, essayist, and writer at large for the New York Times Magazine. Together, they discuss Nathaniel’s new book, Losing Earth: A Recent History, detailing the history of public climate change understanding and the larger, unaddressed issues and moral questions arising from the climate crisis.

Republicans’ Trump Crisis A Reflection Of Broader Issues

Remember that there was a strong #NeverTrump campaign within the Republican Party during the primaries, and even running into the general election. Former Republican presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush reportedly did not even vote for Trump in the general election. I’m sure some other prominent Republicans didn’t either. Seasoned politicians who know how government and politics work could see the train wreck coming 5 miles away.

What Can You Say To A Climate Denier?

In my experience, when an educated person denies that human-caused climate change is happening, the reason can usually be traced to something that has to do with money. You can argue about science, ethics, national security, religion, or whatever else you might like, but their politics revolve around the issue of ownership, and the bottom line is the bottom line. Most conservatives are unmoved unless issues are expressed financially in some way.