Geothermal Energy vs. Fossil Fuels: Be Careful What You Wish For
New EGS technology has flipped the script on geothermal energy resources in the US, opening up new opportunities across the country and around the world.
New EGS technology has flipped the script on geothermal energy resources in the US, opening up new opportunities across the country and around the world.
I wrote recently how more than 160 solar energy executives showed up on Capitol Hill doorsteps begging to engage in some Extreme Lobbying. The action was part of larger attempts that the clean energy industry is making to convince Congressional Republicans that solar, wind, and other renewable energy projects should … [continued]
With geothermal energy sniffing at their heels, US fossil energy stakeholders may come to regret their part in unleashing the American Energy Dominance hounds.
With climate change becoming an ever-pressing issue, the demand for building efficiency has taken on new meaning. A global emphasis on sustainability had dominated the building industry in recent years, and a green building focus seemed to be the norm for new construction. But then the Trumpsters, with Project 2025 … [continued]
So much winning! Renewable energy in general, and solar energy in particular, will overrun the dopey “energy dominance” policy expressed by President Trump.
Fossil fuels face a new threat from the US geothermal energy industry, which stands to benefit from the purportedly fossil-friendly Trump administration.
Q&A With Annabelle Pratt: Using the Beauty of Mathematics To Answer Utility Challenges Welcome to the ARIES: Solutions at Any Scale series. This Q&A series introduces NREL’s outstanding researchers working on Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) projects. Their work helps answer questions about future energy systems for communities, companies, … [continued]
As US Data Centers Continue To Grow, Integrating Geothermal UTES Cooling Could Change the Game As the demand for U.S. data centers grows with the expansion of artificial intelligence, cloud services, and big data analytics, so do the energy loads these centers require. By some estimates, data center energy demands … [continued]
A New Web Portal Developed by NREL and DOE Connects More Communities to Geothermal If you have ever struggled to find geothermal degree programs, conferences, trade associations, tax incentives, or other geothermal information, you are not alone. “The geothermal industry has been around for decades and is a well-established community … [continued]
A new generation of high performance, energy efficient cold climate heat pumps is coming to the US home appliance market, Trump or no Trump.